Bean Bag Factory L.A.
10203 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles Ca 90034
Open everyday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Bean Bag Factory L.A.
Bean Bag Factory L.A.
Bean Bag Factory L.A.
Sports Bean Bag

This Sports bags are not a standard bean bag size. They are close to the size of a medium size bean bag.

Regrind Styrofoam Filling

Bean Bag Options:
We carry three types of sports bean bags, a soccer ball, baseball or football.
Bean Bag Factory L.A.
Bean Bag Factory L.A. Bean Bag Factory L.A. Bean Bag Factory L.A. Bean Bag Factory L.A. Bean Bag Factory L.A.
Bean Bag Factory L.A. | 10203 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles Ca 90034 | (310) 838-9261