Our Location:
Bean Bag Factory L.A. is really Futon Factory L.A. Click on the map to get directions to our location. We are located 10 blocks east of Sepulveda Blvd on the north side of Venice Blvd.
The Futon Factory L.A. bean bags are so popular with our customers, that Futon Factory L.A. wanted to design a website deicated to just bean bags showing the wide variety, colors and styles that are available. Custom bean bags are also something that can be order.
Lot's of people don't associate bean bags with futons. This is the sole purpose of this website is to help people find our hand made bean bags online. Bean Bag Factory L.A. is NOT Bean Bag Factory that sells to Walmart or Target. We get phone calls from around the country about this other company called Bean Bag Factoy..We do not put labels on our bean bags and we only sell our bean bags in Los Angeles.